Sensory Strategies for the Classroom
Tired of getting notes home that your child is struggling to sit still...or focus...or write at school - and not knowing what to do to help? Get instant access to 60+ strategies to help sensational children find more success in the classroom.
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Let Me Guess...
Your sensational child is struggling at school? Perhaps you were called in for a family meeting, or had a one-on-one with the teacher, and left feeling defeated. Maybe it's because they're constantly getting in trouble for moving, or they're struggling with certain skills like reading and writing. You (and hopefully their teacher) desperately want to support them, but are at a loss of how to support their unique sensory system?
And You've Probably Found Yourself Googling & Searching for Answers Late At Night
✔ And you've found some interesting articles, but they only tell you that you need sensory strategies...they don't explain the how
✔ Or they use really big words, and you don't really understand how to apply them
✔ Or they offer techniques, but don't really explain why or how they can be helpful
When your child struggles, I know you're struggling too mom and dad. And you desperately want to find a way to help them...
Imagine If...
✔ You had 60+ sensory strategies, from a pediatric occupational therapist, designed to help children succeed in the classroom right at your finger tips.
✔ Being able to ask questions about these strategies and receive responses directly from an occupational therapist (no medical advice, general info only).
✔ You could go to parent-teacher conferences prepared with ideas of how to actually help your child, instead of continuing to feel lost & disheartened.
✔ Each strategy had an explanation, so you understand how and why it works for certain children.
✔ Your pick of categories including: handwriting, pencil grips, fidgets, reading, sitting in a chair, alternative seating, circle time, focus, transitions, cafeteria, calming ideas for school, & PE/Playground.
Yup, I Need This!

You get the idea...let's recap because I want you to feel the excitement you should feel right now.
60+ sensory strategies, directly from a pediatric occupational therapist, who gets the sensory system. So instead of endlessly scrolling social media and Google, you get instant access to tons of strategies and ideas that can help children in the classroom.
Yup, I Need This!Here's How to Get Your Copy!

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