How to Make Your Family Outings an Educational Learning Experience - Guest Blog Post from Malia Phelps Waller
Nov 28, 2023
If you're a homeschool parent, planning lessons can feel daunting. But what if I told you that you could easily make everyday activities into lessons? I'm so excited to have Malia Phelps Waller joining us today on the blog to share her favorite ideas for turning your routine family outings in educational experiences:
Welcome, fellow parents and caregivers! Let’s explore the untapped potential of community outings and transform them into exciting learning opportunities for our kids. From the neighborhood playground to shopping at Target and dining out at a restaurant, every community outing can be a chance for playful learning. Let’s dive in and discover how to make the most out of these everyday experiences.
Neighborhood Playground Extravaganza
The local playground is not just a place to burn off energy; it’s a treasure chest of learning waiting to be unlocked.
- Nature study: Collect leaves, rocks, or flowers. Identify the different plants and explore their characteristics and peak your child's early interest in biology. Sort and count your finds by color, shape or size to explore math concepts.
- Physics and motion: Observe the swings, slides, seesaws and other items in motion. Discuss gravity, momentum, and balance as your child plays.
- Social skills: Encourage interaction with other kids on the playground. For example, practice sharing and take turns.
Target Shopping Adventures
Turn your Target shopping spree into an educational adventure that engages your child’s curiosity.
- Math in the Aisles: Practice counting items as you put them in the cart. Cover basic math concepts like addition and subtraction through shopping lists.
- Letter Hunt: Play the alphabet game and look for letters on products and signs. Start with A and work through to Z. Found all the letters and still have time? Create a game to find items that start with each letter of the alphabet.
- Budgeting basics: Get more advanced and add money math into your trip. Challenge your child to create their own wish list if they only had $10 to spend what would they buy?
Dining Out Delights
Eating out isnt’ just about the food; it’s an opportunity for exploring new cultures and practicing good manners too.
- Menu math: Engage your child in calculating costs and making choices within a budget. This not only reinforces math skills but also encourages decision-making.
- Cultural conversations: Explore different cuisines and talk about the countries that they originate from. Encourage trying new foods and fostering an appreciation for diversity.
- Table etiquette: Teach your child table manners, including using utensils, waiting turns, and expressing gratitude.
By infusing a sense of curiosity and adventure into our everyday outings, we can turn mundane tasks into playful learning experiences for our kids. The neighborhood playground, Target shopping trips and restaurant outings all offer awesome opportunities for growth and discovery. So, the next time you head out, remember to embrace the teachable moments and watch your child’s excitement and knowledge blossom in unexpected places.
Get out there and PLAY!
About the author: Malia is a passionate advocate for turning everyday moments into opportunities for playful learning. With a background in education and a love for creativity, Malia believes that learning is most effective when it’s fun and engaging. As a parent, homeschool mama, and lifelong learner, Malia has crafted a wealth of ideas to make every experience lots of fun. Get her playful learning toolbox here ( and join the journey of transforming ordinary activities into extraordinary learning experiences for your little on
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